Being the keener that I am, I decided to start DAY 3 today and have done half of the work done for that day.
So what's DAY 2 About You Ask:
- Finding a product to sell
- Deciding on a proper sales transaction method
Interesting topic, and very controversial I'm sure. I love controversy though so if you have an opinion on it, enlighten me. :)
Something Deep:
"In the midst of the story of your life,
you can open now." David Deida - Blue Truth
We all have "stories" about ourselves, our lives and who we are as humans.
Deep Huh? I kill myself with my profound spirituality. ;)
In all seriousness...
We tell ourselves stories all day long.
I AM: Canadian/American/European, shy, tall, short, happy, sad, fat, skinny, different, the same etc. Of course, after years of "story telling" we start to believe the things that we tell ourselves. And then here we are.
My interpretation of what David mentioned above:
In the midst of all our "identities" and "who we think we ares". We have the choice to OPEN in the moment. Open as love, and just be with that.
Have you ever tried to kill a story dead in its tracks? With "affirmations", "positive self talk" or even resistance? How did it work for you? I thought so... It usually doesn't.
That is why opening NOW is CRUCIAL, after all, all we have is now, like I discussed in my very first post.
An exercise I love:
Be with the story and breathe deeply into your belly, relax your jaw and any other tension in your body. Any feelings that come up, open to them and feel them without resistance. Feel everything, open everything, open your body and heart. I practice this all day long when I can.
By the way, I'm sharing what works for me, take it or leave it.
Until tomorrow,
Love you!
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