Friday, October 26, 2007

INTRO Get Spiritual or Die Trying

Formerly known as "Get Rich or Die Trying".
Personally, I spent the last 5 years "trying" to get rich. And the only place it got me is Here and NOW.

Time goes by, and it goes by and it goes by. And we as humans spend our time looking and searching. A niggling emptiness somewhere inside our bodies that is "looking" for something greater, something more.
We think a "good job" will fill it. Or being "financially free". Or getting married and having the "right" partner. Then we think kids will fill it. And all you parents out there know as well as I do that that's a laugh, HA! So we have kids, and on and on it goes. What we don't realize is that niggling feeling doesn't go away!!! Yikes, scary thought isn't it?
Ekart Tolle once said "The Power is in the Now".

What does that mean, you ask?

Well, look back on your life, and you will see that its just a series of events all glued together. You get older, you get more wrinkled and you don't Really have that much to show for it, do you? I mean you may have stuff, I have stuff, but "who cares" because it doesn't really mean anything in the end. A whole pile of stuff and alot niggling emptiness, huh. Sound good to you?

What am I really saying here? Well, a whole lot of nothing, I'm not saying anything. And that's the point. I find being in the MOMENT and the NOW is a lot more satisfying than "chasing the dragon". If you don't know what that phrase means, then Google it.

The $20,000 thats coming in to my bank account isn't going to stop that niggling. Because I can guarantee you, as soon as that 20k pops in to my account, I am going to look at it and ask: "Whats next"

Silly. Isn't it?

Have to run!

Love you!! MUA.

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