Monday, November 5, 2007


The Verdict is in (so far):

Here it is...

By now I know its possible AND MORE THAN POSSIBLE to make $20,000 in 20 days. Though, to make $20,000 in 20 days takes a lot of time. Go figure eh?
Lets differentiate hard work from lots of work.
Hard to me is a 9 to 5 job that is boring as hell and no flexibility. Lots is plenty.
I wouldn't say the
2020 Challenge is hard work, because personally I have found it fun and enjoyable. Its lots of work and plenty of thought and time. Sure you could do it in a shorter amount of time than I, spend less hours in a day, but for me quality is of the essence. If I'm selling a product, id better be damn sure its a good one.

After all, how many bunk products are there out there? Tons! And it drives me bonkers when I buy an online product and the provider does not deliver.

A few days back I tested out Armand Morin's "Generator Software" for Sales Copy. It did not deliver what it promised. Heck, I am easily satisfied but this just did NOT cut it, and it was disappointing. It was sad to see all those endorsements when the product was so basic and thrown together, you could just tell. I mean who does he think hes fooling? If you are going to sell something to the public, it better be good and it better have value. So that is where I am coming from, I am going to deliver value and provide something worth while and it may take more time to do it.

FOR THE AVERAGE JOE: $20,000 in 20 days is do-able and fairly straightforward. Yet it is time consuming if excellence is important!

The Bottom Line:
Overall this is an excellent system with lots of good support. Its legit, unlike some of the other schemes I have seen, and easy to follow.

So would I recommend this? yes absolutely!!

On a more personal note:
I am committed to making that $20,000 if it kills me, which it just may, he he.
It could take 20 days, it could take 30, but by gosh I'm doing it!



Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 8 On Hold....

Dear Fellow 20/20 Challengers!

2020 Challenge is officially on hold until I finish creating my product. Which by the way is not required. The program suggest buying a pre-made product an NOT creating your own.
Which makes sense doesn't it?
And if something makes sense then why in the heck would I not follow the system?!? Good question :)

My product is an e-book entitled "How to Stop Your Child's Biting and Hitting for Good." Unfortunately I had to write the whole thing myself. And since I happen to be an expert on this topic and there is a huge need for this information I took the bull by the horns and decided to do it myself.

Originally I scoured high and low for a product I could sell and feel good about promoting. But my conscience wont let me sell anything I don't believe in 100%. I couldn't do any less than my best, therefore I decided to create my own product. I thought it would be done by now and it isn't....I need to finish this before I can really complete day 8 and so forth. So my goal to complete the 20 20 in 20 days isn't happening. I project 30 days and that is what I need it to be in order to avoid personal bankruptcy and not have my credit tarnished forever. Also the fact that I would be homeless by then :) So all you readers need to buy my book when it comes out, OK? Or else Ill be coming to stay at your place.

I'm off to Colorado on Tuesday for another phase in the Ashley Ryan Saga. I had an interesting talk with my mom last night and she made some accurate remarks on the way I am living my life...I will share more with you later on that. Well, I guess hindsight is 20 20, he he he he. I kill myself :)

Something I learned today from the hours of business audio I listen to:

For those of you that have a business and are currently using an Auto-response system such as Aweber (
An effective money saving tool, and apparently the only that makes sure your message doesn't go into your prospects spam folder is Click here!

Another valuable tip from today was surrounding the concept of follow up....
I mean how many times do business follow up with Prospects and not clients. It makes way more sense to follow up with current clients and create affinity vs only focusing on prospects. Duh! I never thought about that. Excellent tip none the less. So if you already haven't started, start an auto-response system for your current clients, and let them know how much you appreciate them! If have clients and you don't have an auto-responder set up, what are you waiting for:

Unlimited Autoresponders by AWeber

Definition of prospect: A potential client, in the future, as in not your client yet
Definition of client: A customer currently using your product or service

I will still keep you updated daily, I promise!

Something Deep: I have to think about this one....

Here is one of my old faithfuls which I do my best to prescribe to on a daily basis:

"Forget Safety, live where you fear to live, destroy your reputation, be notorious." Rumi

Saturday, November 3, 2007

DAY 7 - Time Invested: 5 Hours

So what's DAY 7 about You Ask:
  • Starting your re-branding
  • Contacting Joint Venture partners
  • Tweak sales letter

The Good:

  • Good details and sample letter on how to contact possible partners and JV's
  • less work than days 4-6, phew!

The Bad:

  • The manual didn't talk about web hosting, or how to get our sales page from frontpage or coffeecup to the actual internet. Didn't say a word about it, which I found confusing
  • Could be more examples of letters to potentials partners. Thats just me though as I like lots of examples :)
Something Deep:

Opening as every moment is the practice of true bliss.

The human body is very sensitive to pain. Stub your toe, and for a few moments you are consumed in minor agony. Emotionally, too, pain is ever possible. Your lover betrays you, and your heart feels crushed. When you feel the agony of lost love—let alone the immense suffering of the world’s starving and dying millions—you can be wracked with sorrow.

Feeling physical and emotional pain is natural and inevitable, but uncomfortable. So you do what you can to avoid it. You can drive a nice car, isolate yourself from diseased and wretched people, and minimize rocking the boat of your intimate relationship. Your effort to avoid pain is as natural as pain itself.

Most of your life can become the effort to avoid pain, to experience pleasure, and to pretend everything is OK, even though something feels amiss. Your life can still feel incomplete, even in the midst of a fine meal with a smiling lover at the peak of health.

Even during the best of times, you may suffer a sense of lack. This dissatisfaction occurs because you are not opening. When you open fully as any moment, you are complete. Your broken arm may still ache. Your heart may still reel in response to the loss of someone you love. But if you practice opening now, then you add less self-created suffering to life’s natural fluctuation of pleasure and pain.

Feel your pleasure, or its lack, right now. If you are feeling relatively comfortable, for instance, then notice that you can feel your comfort. You are open to feeling your comfort. Your openness is what allows you to feel your comfort.

Now, your comfort has changed a bit. Your posture has shifted slightly. Your tongue or fingers may have moved. What you feel now is slightly different than what you felt a moment ago—but that you can feel at all means you are open to feeling.

Fully open, and as openness, feel. Allow your tongue to open and feel. Allow your fingers to open and feel. Feel the entire surface of your skin open to sensation. Feel your mind open to thoughts. Feel your eyes open to light. Whatever you are feeling—however painful or pleasurable—you can feel it because you are open.

Regardless of how much pain or pleasure the moment brings you, the truth is that you are openness. When you resist any aspect of the moment, when you close to an emotion, a person, or a situation, then you deny the openness you are. You create separateness and suffering—you do separateness and suffering—even though you may be sitting in a hot tub with a beautiful lover eating grapes.

Pleasure and pain come and go, and there is only so much you can do about it. To be born is to be guaranteed some amount of enjoyment, discomfort, and certain death. Simply to be alive as a body is to know both health and disease. To enjoy intimacy is to expose your heart to deep sharing as well as to the unloving moments of others. True bliss is to remain open—as you are—in the midst of all experience, both heavenly and hellish.

Regardless of how much comfort you are experiencing, you can surrender open as you are or you can knot yourself closed. If you open as you are now, a spacious and tender love abides—the openness that is feeling—even if your body aches or your lover has spurned you. If you close now, turning in on yourself in an effort to avoid exposure, then you suffer your own separative cramp, even if you are surrounded by love.

Openness is bliss, though not the giddy kind of bliss you feel when someone tickles you. When you feel anything, you are open as feeling. Openness is who you are, your most fundamental feeling of being. When you close to the moment, resisting emotions, people, or situations, then you deny your openness, and you suffer. Openness is bliss because it is most deeply who you are.

Your heart always knows the truth of openness. In every moment of your life, your heart tacitly compares the closed suffering that you are doing to the bliss of your true openness. “This moment can be deeper.” “Our love can be more full.” “My life can be more fulfilling.” Your heart knows the truth of openness and suffers the tense lie of your closure.

Chronic dissatisfaction is how you sense that you are living this lie. No matter how much pleasure or pain comes your way, dissatisfaction means you are resisting the openness of the moment, the openness who you are, the truth. When you are not open to emotions, people, and situations, then you are denying your most basic nature, the openness who you are.

Practice being openness by opening to feel. Just as you are, even though you may have habits of closure, you can always practice opening to feel. Open to feel whatever you are feeling now. Open to feel your breath moving in and out, feel the posture of your body, feel the space and motion in the room around you, feel the emotional tone of the people nearest to you. Open and feel. Open as feeling. Open to feel everything, and feel as openness itself.

In the midst of orgasm, practice opening, breathing and feeling all that you can feel, your intense pleasure, your lover, the entire room, the lives beginning and ending everywhere, and continue opening to feel everything fully without closure. In the aftermath of a car accident, practice breathing and feeling everything, your cuts and bruises, your fear, the love of those who care for you, and continue to feel open as each moment unfolds, pain and all.

Do your best to create pleasure and comfort in your life. But to live true, live open. Resist nothing. Feel everything. Breathe everyone’s pain and pleasure in and out of your heart. If you feel a lack in your life, practice living and breathing and feeling open.

Openness is truly who you are.

Blue Truth Excerpt - David Deida

Friday, November 2, 2007

DAY 7 - Out of Comission

Hello Friends!

Today I was ill. Probably from all the late nights I have been putting in :) So I took it easy and did as much as I could, but I am not counting it as a day, because I was out of commission.

So for those of you that are dying for more, here it is:

BTW (by the way) I stole this post from someone else's blog, I know the person yet I didn't ask.

Something Deep:

I do not choose to be common

It is my right to be uncommon - if I can.

I seek opportunity - not security

I want to take the calculated risk:

To dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.

I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence;

The thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence

nor my dignity for a handout.

I will never cower before any master

nor bend to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid;

To think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit

of my creations and to face the world

Boldly and say,

This I have done.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Receive Weekly 20/20 Challenge Earning Updates

If you are captivated and want me to email you or you would just like to see if it is in fact possible for a regular person to make $20,000 in 20 days doing the 2020 Challenge
Then leave me your email and I will send you a weekly update and maybe something deep :)

DAY 6 - Time Invested: 6 Hours

So what's DAY 6 about You Ask:
  • Pricing your product
  • Tracking methods for affiliates
  • Posting or emailing your sales letter to others
  • Discussing pre-launch
  • Getting more Joint ventures going

The Good:

  • Good information
  • Simple, straightforward no extra cost systems for doing things, yaaay!
  • Great tips and walk through on using paypal

The Bad:

  • Not Specific Enough info on pricing could have been more detailed such as
  • There isn't enough information (for my liking) on how to write download page copy

Something Deep:

It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom
Than to go right in chains

Wow what a great quote from Thomas Huxley.
That quote comes from the book "The 4 Hour Work Week". Excellent book I might add if you haven't already read it.

Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Bob Marley are examples of people looking wrong in freedom rather than right in social constraints. I like to think that I live my life in that way. And I do compared to most people... But when the "heat" is on, its hard to stand firm in how I feel and what I need to do.
We all know this scenario, of taking a stance in something, and then when there is "social pressure" backing down or caving. It takes incredible strength to stand up for ones beliefs and really go the whole nine yards in the face of adversity. In fact, personally, I know very few people who have been able to do this and still stay standing.
I guess I can apply that to my situation now. I'm doing the challenge while almost bankrupt but deciding not to go back to a "real job" like everyone else suggests I do. I am still working full time hours but as of right now no money is coming in. I am throwing caution to the wind, but sometimes the pressure from outside is almost too much to bare. The judgments are intense, and gossip about me going nuts are also hard to take. But I have to do what I have to do and failure isn't an option at this point, I am going to make that $20,000 if it kills me!!

I hope y'all buy my product when it comes out :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

DAY 5 - Time Invested: 9 Hours

So what's DAY 5 about You Ask:
  • Sales Copy (writing)
  • Requesting Feedback
  • Website Layout
  • Website Tracking

The Good:

  • In depth information
  • Lots of details and HOW TOs

The Bad:

  • Very time Consuming!!!
  • It says it takes 30 to 60 minutes to find a certain number of Joint venture partners when it took me closer to 1.5 hours
Today took me a lot of time, I have been working on my 2020 Challenge from 9:30-5. And more later. Not sure if this is full time yet but I will update you. Even at full speed and a lot of time I am slipping behind.

Something Deep:

"Nothing we do amounts to much, yet everything we do has significance beyond our comprehension." Blaise Ryan

Continued from day 3:

The idea of things mattering and then not mattering at the same time.

There are two schools of thought on this:

1. Subjective Reality and Quantum Physics.
2. Objective Reality and no physics.

In scenario #1 Nothing is real and nothing matters because it is all made up. If you have seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" you will have a taste of this. According to #1 our perception is very limited and we see the world as "we" are and not as it is.
Some genera's of spirituality go even further to say that the world is all an illusion and completely made up. We make up the rules, we create everything.
Believe it or not, there is scientific evidence to back this up.
If you would like more detailed information, one of my favorite books is "Busting Lose from the Money Game" By Robert Scheinfeld. He explains this model far better than I ever and It is one of those life changing books. So do yourself a favor and READ IT. To Bust Loose from The Money game and at the same time understand Subjective Reality.

Then there is scenario #2, Objective Reality and No physics.
In other words, everything we do DOES matter and the world and what we see out of our eyes is completely real. For example, people who presribe to the "law of attraction" believe that what we believe or the thoughts we hold in our mind will be attracted or pulled to us. Which does fully apply to #2 in the concept BUT in real life it does because most people who practice the law of attraction can't empirically prove that they get what they attract. Does that make sense?
I hear people say that they believe in the secret and law of attraction but then when they get a headache they become a victim of the headache. IF they really prescribed to the law of attraction they could attract and "create" something else instead of being controlled by it. I mean everyone does this all the time, we say we believe one thing but don't fully live it. Heck I say I believe things all the time, but I really don't, because if I did, I would do them, wouldn't I? Its not rocket science.
So depending on what you believe, things matter and they don't matter. In Subjective reality you can do whatever the heck you want to do because its all made up. Morals, values, ideas, are all made up so you can really break the bank and have a good time, guilt free!

In Subjective Reality, things do matter and there are consequences to our actions. If we have an affair on our marital partner, the consequence would be hurting them and that would feel "very real". If we hit someone with our car an objective realiter could say that it isn't real and doesn't matter, but it still may feel real? Duh.

I do personally know people that live in a world of the "world not being real" and it works for them. Robert Scheinfeld lives in that world and it works for him, the same rules don't apply :) That's why I insist you read his book. I know two other men that live very interesting lives in the world of subjective reality. Their names are Chad and Issac, they are making a movie on Subjective Reality called "Leap Beyond Illusion". It features Dan Millman from "The way of the peaceful Warrior" and Gary Renard from "A Course in Miracles" These men live lives most people dream of in their own Subjective Reality.
Steve Pavlina has a great blog that talks about this in depth:

Love you!

Tomorrow I will share a new segment from my "Quarter Life Crisis" series with some hot, spicy and highly entertaining details in the new developments of my personal life. You'll love it, I promise.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

20/20 Challenge, Do I Need to Quit my Day Job?

No! of course not.

But the 2020 Challenge is time consuming. Right now, I don't have a "day" job. I can spend much of the day working on this. For someone who is working full time, it CAN be done, but it will take a warrior do or die attitude.

Let me put it this way, for the FULL TIME employee, It would be very intense to do this in 20 days. But it is possible, and FUN! I find it fun anyway.

Once I get further into things I will update you more....

DAY 4 - Time Invested: 4 Hours

So what's DAY 4 About You Ask:
  • Redesigning your product with help from outsourcing.
  • Finding potential partners to promote your offering for FREE.

The Good:

  • In depth detail on outsourcing and lots of HOW TO.
  • Great details on how to find Joint Venture partners.
  • Excellent content for today.

The Bad:

  • Straightforward, nothing I can think of.

Something Deep:

"Are you utterly fulfilled, right now? If so, then you are unmoved by stress, and your life unfolds as openness. But if you are not totally fulfilled, then you feel a strange lack. When this "something missing" motivates you, then you create suffering in the world, for everyone you know, and for yourself.
You are probably, to some extent, being moved by this feeling of essential lack: you want more security, affection, more understanding. Also, to some extent, you are opening as love; your thoughts and actions are spontaneously welling up from your open heart of depth. That is, you are living some percentage of your life as clench and some percentage as gift."

"Spiritual growth involves living more and more of your life as an offering of love. As you learn to open as every moment, you life springs from the open love who you are at depth. when you live as love, then you give love to the world, resonating others so they, too, open and being to live as love...." David Deida, Blue Truth

In the next day or so I will share a new segment from my
"Quarter Life Crisis" series with some hot, spicy and highly entertaining details in the new developments of my personal life. You'll love it, I promise.

Monday, October 29, 2007

DAY 3 - Time Invested: 3 Hours

I am reviewing but not getting in to grueling details of every task for every day. I find that boring and redundant. And what I am after is the bottom line and the "juice." Isn't the point so much better than reckless blabbing? If I blab recklessly PLEASE let me know. If I am a TOTAL bore let me know as well by commenting, o.k?

So what's DAY 3 all About You Ask:
  • Finding a product to sell
  • Securing a domain
I know this sounds simple and it is, but it took me longer because I am a perfectionist and wanted to find the "perfect" product. Today really doesn't need to take 3 hours, I just chose to put 3 hours in.

The Good:
  • The support forum is excellent and I find it helpful.
  • Michael seems to be actively involved in the support forum which shows a level of integrity.
  • It was enjoyable coming up with a product.
  • The manual has good detail in terms of navigating sites and website How to's.
The Bad:
  • There could be more detail (in the manual) about the ACTUAL PROCESS of researching and developing a product. Especially for people that know nothing about business and marketing.
  • Since selecting the "right" product is the "crux" of the quest, I think there needs to be more coverage in this section.
  • is recommended for domains, I have heard mixed reviews about them, any ideas?
Something Deep:

"Nothing we do amounts to much, yet everything we do has significance beyond our comprehension." Blaise Ryan

Wow, for me this is a deep one and very significant I might add.
Nothing we do amounts to much in this large universe. Everyone agrees with that no? And in the end it doesn't amount to much, just a series of events strung together.

YET, Everything we do does indeed have significance and every thought we think is creating our future. From the environment to religion to politics it all does matter in some way, and we see evidence of this every day. Action, reaction and consequence.

Most people deny or ignore this, that what they do effects anyone or anything at all. And some people ignore it with good reason because it may or may not be true depending on what you believe....

Soon I am going to share some highly coveted information with you, not tonight though because it takes to long to get in to. But I promise, if you look into what I am going to share with you, this concept of what "matters" and what doesn't will become crystal clear.


In the next day or so I will share a new segment from my
"Quarter Life Crisis" series with some hot, spicy and highly entertaining details in the new developments of my personal life. You'll love it, I promise.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

DAY 2 - Time Invested: 45 Minutes

So far I have invested 45 minutes on my DAY 2 exercises in my 2020 Challenge .
Being the keener that I am, I decided to start DAY 3 today and have done half of the work done for that day.

So what's DAY 2 About You Ask:
  • Finding a product to sell
  • Deciding on a proper sales transaction method
Clickbank vs Pay Pal

Interesting topic, and very controversial I'm sure. I love controversy though so if you have an opinion on it, enlighten me. :)

Something Deep:

"In the midst of the story of your life,
you can open now." David Deida
- Blue Truth

We all have "stories" about ourselves, our lives and who we are as humans.
Deep Huh? I kill myself with my profound spirituality. ;)

In all seriousness...
We tell ourselves stories all day long.
I AM: Canadian/American/European, shy, tall, short, happy, sad, fat, skinny, different, the same etc. Of course, after years of "story telling" we start to believe the things that we tell ourselves. And then here we are.

My interpretation of what David mentioned above:
In the midst of all our "identities" and "who we think we ares". We have the choice to OPEN in the moment. Open as love, and just be with that.

Have you ever tried to kill a story dead in its tracks? With "affirmations", "positive self talk" or even resistance? How did it work for you? I thought so... It usually doesn't.

That is why opening NOW is CRUCIAL, after all, all we have is now, like I discussed in my very first post.

An exercise I love:
Be with the story and breathe deeply into your belly, relax your jaw and any other tension in your body. Any feelings that come up, open to them and feel them without resistance.
Feel everything, open everything, open your body and heart. I practice this all day long when I can.
By the way, I'm sharing what works for me, take it or leave it.

Until tomorrow,

Love you!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

DAY 1 - Time Invested: 4 Hours approx.

Hi Folks! ------> Bottom line in case you aren't going to read the whole post:

Cynics BEWARE:

The 2020 Challenge
is NOT a hair-brained "get rich quick" scheme. So you can relax, Don't get your undies in a knot yet.....

Yikes, 12.23 am and mission accomplished!! Just over four hours.....

So here are the goods...

I don't believe in the whole concept of "good" and "bad" but for clarity's sake I will bend the rules.

The Good:
  • I thoroughly enjoyed Michael's sense of humor, I giggled a bit.
  • No hidden gimmicks or blatant up sells that I noticed.
  • Easy to read, comprehensible.
  • Nothing noticeably shady (see below), if anything the material is quite genuine.
The Bad:
  • It is still sales, and some techniques for selling, in my mind, are questionable.
  • I think there may be some lack of information, but that's what the forums are for. I will say more about that later when I get going.
  • There were a few typos. And at the expense of sounding anal, which I am by the way. If you put out print material and are coined an "expert", for goodness sakes, EDIT, EDIT and EDIT!!!

Well, I'm going to bed, but before I do I have to say I am impressed.

I think the bottom line here is it is not a scheme or "black hat" trick that some weirdo concocted.
Michael seems like a regular man providing value. But that remains to be seen....More tomorrow.

Something Deep:

"You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything." Rainer Maria Rilke

Sound familiar?

Well it sure as hell sounds familiar to me!
It never ends, and whoever disagrees with my bold statement can publicly challenge me.
The yearning never ends, until A. We get to a highly evolved place where it does end (which isn't the people reading my blog, no offense!) or
B. We come to some degree of acceptance.

Regardless, no matter if we get what we want or not, we we always end up with a degree of dissatisfaction. Our partner rejects us, our children ignore us, our family doesn't appreciate us. We are unsatisfied.
We get the new house, our partner gives us love how we want it. It is only a moment and we know that moment wont last long. Those moments never do.

Sooner or later the love, bliss, acceptance is snatched away, as quickly as it came.

There is a place for everything, and if you have seen "The Secret",, You know we CAN have what we want in life.
We can, most definitely, live powerfully and a life we love.
Yet within that there will always be YIN and YANG. Tsunamis, hurricanes and upheaval will always exist. As well as a calm lake, or clear blue skies.

In this whole self development "positive thinking" revolution surrounding "The Secret" people fail to see that the lives of the characters in the movie don't always work. Some of them are blissfully happy but things don't always work, there will always be YIN and always be YANG.

More about that tomorrow....

Still DAY 1 - So Far , So Good!

Hello Again,

I'm still reading, its taken me 1.5 hours or so to read 1/2 of the 250 Pages of the 2020 Challenge

So Far:

Good Content
Michael seems down to earth and amiable (if you don't know what amiable means Google it)
Straight Forward
Easy to Understand

I have read a million and one e-books, sales pages, internet marketing pitches etc.
20/20 (so far) is definatley not looking shady at this point. So thats a good sign, every other program I have come across didnt pass the first filter. Yikes!

The world needs more up-liftment and life-supportive practices!

Wouldn't you agree?

I mean heck, I'm no angel or saint, ask those around me. But I do do what is right for me, and that includes acting in integrity to the best of my ability:

Something Deep:

"If theres nothing left to burn, you've gotta set yourself on fire."

Ill be back with more later.

Technorati Profile

DAY 1 - Just Received Material

Hello Friends!

Just received the 2020 Challenge
material and am going to dig into it now, will get back to you tonight with more detailed info and scrupulous review.

Something Deep:

"Again and again it defeats me
This reliance on others for bliss."

John Welwood

Friday, October 26, 2007

DAY 0 - Pre Challenge Assessment

As you can see to the right of you ------> I am a whopping -$80,000 in the hole. Yikes!
Yikes seems to be my favorite word as of late. Outdated but effective none the less.

A quick overview:

Most people think I am nuts. Family and friends would say I am crazy. I have always pushed the envelope and lived dangerously, so to speak. Not in a bad sense according to me. I just march to the beat of my own drum.

Built a successful and lucrative business by the age of 22 retired until 25, then watched the business crumble before my very eyes. All the while my marriage crumble as well. So here I am on the verge of personal
bankruptcy, living out of my new yellow Mini Cooper and eating dry saltine crackers for all three of my daily meals. Shhhhhhh, not really only eating saltines, but dramatic, yes?

What defines a Quarter Life Crisis ?

Well, lets see....

Under 30, check.
Total babe, check.
New car, check.
Driving across two countries by myself, check.
Self-development seminars from all over the globe, check.
Spending money I
don't have, check.
Attending first rave and rolling on E, Check.
Flirting with post man, check. That was a joke by the way. He he.
BTW, If you don't know what rolling on E means Google it.

I don't even want to list all the nutty things that I have done
lately because if I do everyone will have the cold hard facts. And if everyone has the cold hard facts the truth would come out about me. I mean, as humans we spend most of our time trying not to look bad. Myself being the prime candidate of trying not to look bad. And trying to look "good". Sound Familiar? By acknowledging to all my wild shenanigans everyone would know the truth about me. And that my friends, would be a disaster. Yikes! You understand, don't you? I knew you would ;)

Anyways, I am not going to get in to details of the current downfalls of my life. And if you are really dying for more details then post a request and I may divulge further.

2020 Challenge:

When I paid my $247 I didn't get a user-name and password, sigh. So I had to email support and ask "what the heck happened". Michael, or his auto-responder, was very prompt in responding, hence the term "auto"responder. Some mis-hap had taken place and so he asked me to email him my reciept. Which didn't get past his spam filter. Sigh again. So here I am waiting in agony for my $20,000 to start rolling in.

I am really open minded, I do all sorts of weird wild things. So I am going to give old Michael the benefit of the doubt. Unlike those other skeptics out there, life is too short to be skeptical. I have a really hard time trusting though other promotional blogs for some reason, they just seem shady. Not me, I may be shady :) But I am the real deal, through and through. I know that seems contradictory and it is. What I mean is that my escapades may seem shady, but I have a good heart and want to speak my truth to the world.

So my commitment is: Make this $20,000 in 20 days in the 2020 Challenge
or die trying. And if I can do it so can you!!!!

Something Deep:
"Whenever you find yourself of the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect".
Mark Twain

How do you live your life? With your head down and blinders on? Or open as love, giving your gifts to the world whether your neighbor likes it or not?

INTRO Get Spiritual or Die Trying

Formerly known as "Get Rich or Die Trying".
Personally, I spent the last 5 years "trying" to get rich. And the only place it got me is Here and NOW.

Time goes by, and it goes by and it goes by. And we as humans spend our time looking and searching. A niggling emptiness somewhere inside our bodies that is "looking" for something greater, something more.
We think a "good job" will fill it. Or being "financially free". Or getting married and having the "right" partner. Then we think kids will fill it. And all you parents out there know as well as I do that that's a laugh, HA! So we have kids, and on and on it goes. What we don't realize is that niggling feeling doesn't go away!!! Yikes, scary thought isn't it?
Ekart Tolle once said "The Power is in the Now".

What does that mean, you ask?

Well, look back on your life, and you will see that its just a series of events all glued together. You get older, you get more wrinkled and you don't Really have that much to show for it, do you? I mean you may have stuff, I have stuff, but "who cares" because it doesn't really mean anything in the end. A whole pile of stuff and alot niggling emptiness, huh. Sound good to you?

What am I really saying here? Well, a whole lot of nothing, I'm not saying anything. And that's the point. I find being in the MOMENT and the NOW is a lot more satisfying than "chasing the dragon". If you don't know what that phrase means, then Google it.

The $20,000 thats coming in to my bank account isn't going to stop that niggling. Because I can guarantee you, as soon as that 20k pops in to my account, I am going to look at it and ask: "Whats next"

Silly. Isn't it?

Have to run!

Love you!! MUA.